Wednesday, November 2, 2016

PINCC Returns to Kenya November 2016
A New Volunteer's First Day

Day One:
Humbled, Inspired, & Grateful

Today was the first day of my first medical mission with PINCC ( I had the honor of learning many different tasks, including intake. At intake you get a chance to meet with each woman and communicate beyond simply filling out forms. It was humbling to ask incredibly intimate questions with or without and an interpreter. "How old were you when you first had intercourse?" They say women can communicate without talking - its true. The bashful look, the subtle smile, the nervous giggle. Understanding, no judgment and shared laughter as you both think back to that first time. 

For many of these women, this was the first pelvic exam beyond childbirth. For some, they had just come from receiving news they were HIV positive. It was inspiring to see the bravery on their face, despite the intimidation. One lovely woman found out she had stage 1b cervical cancer. She was the picture of perfect grace while her husband and the rest of us exchanged looks of concern. 

I'm grateful that today, in real time due to Rotarians in the ground, her lab work was paid for and the clinic doctor was able to make inquiries and order services while my fellow Rotarian, Judy Wolf, and I held her hands while a PINCC board member explained what was going to happen. The prevention measures by PINCC and the financial support of Rotary is making a difference. Day one a life was saved. That's what it's all about. 

Rochelle H Swanson
Homa Bay, Kenya